

Hawumph's Charts
Crowley's Antics
Corwin's Capers
Mud2 Logs
Mudmeet 2003 photo's
Mudmeet 2002 photo's
Wiz Pics


Items here just for the hell of it.

bulletBenny says "FES"
bulletEver wonder just what would happen if your client software took over, and left you with no control over your persona? Well, it would look a bit like this!
bulletBefore I wizzed
bulletLexley was once one of the main inspirations for me in terms of mud related writings on the web. Here's what she once did for me!
bulletIT Support
bulletAnyone who does this for a living knows exactly what I mean by these!
bulletPC funnies
bulletSome tales of computer misunderstandings from my everyday life.
bulletSorcwar obit
bulletIts just an obit - but WHAT an obit - here's the aftermath of the 11th July Sorcerer War.
bulletPuzzle Answers
bulletThe answers to all the mausoleum puzzles.

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This site was last updated 29-06-04